A rant old as days
October 30, 2021 at 11:49 am,
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Självpublicerad krönika. A rant as old as days. Published on medium.com, 03.03. 21
"(...)(T)he men we see in town, with long posh jackets and the grin of a winner or eyes of a snake, but not so often in the same stores, on the buses, or in any waiting rooms for that matter. (...)These men flash before our eyes like opportunities, but they come and go, clearly living in a parallelle universe where they are blind to the filth, sadness or misery of others. The thing that makes anger come forward is the KNOWING that these people have the power to better so many issues. If they take parts of their incomes to give to people in need, I know that part is going to be so much bigger than the one I can give."